Sunday, February 13, 2011

I Am Sam

As the title of this blog post goes, his name is Sam. Samlyn Patch to be exact and no. My cat does not know how to type -- yet. So as an owner, I'm typing this for him. Sam is going to be six this year so as a tribute to him growing, I've decided to do a cat blog. I enjoy reading cat blogs and I know how some people are just fascinated with cats and might possibly would like to see how having a cat in the household would be like. So I've decided to create this cat blog. Since I'm the only person who spends most time with him in the household.

Sam was adopted on a sunny June in 2005. We adopted him and his sister at an animal welfare centre located in Subang called PAWS. Sam was a small little orange furball and his sister, Sunshine was like a tiger. We took both of them home and they started to settle down in our small linkhouse.

Eventually, Sunshine decided to move to another house. Yes, she left home in 2006 and we haven't seen her again until 2007 but she opted to move anyway. So, we were stuck with Sam.

Sam -- handling the easy life well, was a fat little kitten. He couldn't even lick his own fur at one stage Sunshine, being the sister, had to lick it for him. He slept, like Superman. His tiny hands and feet stretched wide. It was such a joy to see a charming fat kitten like him.

The two cats had a love for cars or some sort. Sunshine once got trapped at the engine of my mom's car. Thank goodness my mom discovered before she got out of the compound. Sam, on the other hand led to an accident after my dad reversed the car and accidentally ran over his leg.

I guess that was why Sam opted to stay instead of running away like most male cats.

But like most male cats too, Sam discovered the outdoors. He became skinny due to fights and often slept outside. He had scars and bled. I, myself was once afraid of holding him because of that.

At one point in his life, Sam discovered love. He met a female feline. They settled down. You would often see him and his "girl" sit under my dad's car at night with their kittens. It was unusual to see, a complete cat family as male cats usually eat their children.

I guess Sam's different. No I don't guess, I know he's different.

Sam met with a frightening accident. It was raining and I was studying. There had been reports of wild dogs around our neighbourhood. Suddenly I heard a shriek of a cat. Meowing. Quickly I shouted for my dad. Being heroic, he jumped over the gate and shooed the dogs away. Sam, was badly injured.

We thought he was going to die. We cried.

But he healed. Having to come back from the vet a week later. We visited him as if he was like a human in the hospital sometimes when he was there. The bill was quite hefty too but we got our orange furball back. He came back like a king. With a cone around his head which eventually, we opened it cause he was having a hard time walking with it.

After that he became fat. Because we neutered him for his own good. And he's been a happy cat eversince. Hopefully, I can record enough of Sam as long as he stays in my heart -- which will be forever.


  1. awwww, geramnyeeee. nak je cubit-cubit pipi die muahahaha :3 I don't know that Sam dah lalui mcm-mcm dugaan. Well, he's healthy now so yay \y/

  2. hihihi and he's still alive! :D cubit pon macam cubit kuih bola neddd, gemuk sangatt hehehe :3
